Kayak Tour in Punta de Teno 2h – Tenerife (P183)

from €10.00 Tax included
South Tenerife
2h - Punto de Teno

Kayak Tour in Punta de Teno 2h – Tenerife (P183)


  • Adults 12+: €30
  • Canary Islands residents: €25
  • Children under 12: €10 (only for family groups)


Kayaking in Punta de Teno with breathtaking views of the majestic Los Gigantes cliffs is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and exciting adventures you can experience in Tenerife's wild nature. It’s an excellent opportunity to combine active recreation with discovering the island’s natural treasures.


Languages spoken: Spanish, English

Tour duration: 2 hours

Departure times: 12:00 and 14:00



  • 2-hour kayak tour
  • Initial instructions
  • Safety supervision with a rescue boat (zodiac) if necessary
  • Equipment rental: kayak, paddles, life jackets, and backrests
  • Free drink (water, soft drink, or beer)
  • A stop for swimming in a picturesque bay
  • Snorkeling equipment (masks and snorkels)
  • Accident and liability insurance
  • Compliance with environmental protection, tourism, and occupational safety regulations



Please bring a swimsuit, a sun hat, and sunscreen.
Recommendations: Take with you:

  • An ID card or passport.
  • Reservation number or printed voucher/ticket, or on your phone.
  • Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.
  • If you plan to swim, bring a swimsuit and a towel.
  • If you suffer from severe seasickness/motion sickness, take medication.
  • The company follows the Sanitary Guidelines for the Canary Islands.



Getting there: Access to Punta de Teno by car is limited. You can only drive as far as Buenavista del Norte, from where you need to switch to public bus line 369, which runs every hour starting at 10:00. The ticket costs €1 and can be purchased with cash or card (detailed schedule and information can be found here).

Schedule: For the 12:00 tour, you should take the bus departing at 11:05 from Buenavista del Norte, and for the 14:00 tour, it’s best to take the bus at 13:10. Please plan your time to reach the station and board the bus. We wait for participants for a maximum of 15 minutes after the scheduled start time. After this, the tour begins, and the cost of the trip is non-refundable.

Weather conditions: Please note that the tour schedule may change depending on sea conditions. There are no places to buy food or drinks in Punta de Teno, so it's advisable to bring snacks and something to drink. If we have to cancel the tour on the same day due to weather conditions, we will substitute it with one of our boat trips along the Los Gigantes cliffs. If this is also not possible, we will issue a refund.

Photos: During the tour, photos may be taken and will be available on our Facebook page (Discover Teno). However, due to the nature of the sea, we cannot guarantee that all photos will be successful or include all participants. In unfavorable weather conditions, safety takes priority over photography. Thank you for your understanding.

Join us for an exceptional journey on the waters of Tenerife and discover the beauty of its wild nature!


Data sheet
